Understanding the Facebook Algorithm for your company page


Using Facebook to promote your business means getting your posts to reach as much of your target audience as possible.

Reach is the number of users who saw your post in their feed. You can reach people organically (free), or by promoting posts with paid ads.

Facebook will show more people your post based on a score they assign on how relevant it is to the user. This score can be determined by engagement, who the poster is, how relevant the post is to the reader and how new he post is (the older a post gets, the lower the score becomes.)

To up your posts score, use these tips:

  • Don’t only post links away from Facebook to your website. These typically get less engagement, and will lead to less organic reach in the future.
  • Use real imagery, not stock photos.
  • Post contests, giveaways, and deals that encourage people to like your page and comment on the post to be entered.
  • Write posts with a question or call to action at the end – this will increase engagement.
  • Use videos in your post – they get double the engagement than posts with just pictures in.
  • Post frequently and consistently. If you decide to post once a day, keep at it to improve post scores.

Invite your current Facebook friends to like the page. They will be more likely to interact as they know you, and if they engage it will show up on their friends newsfeed too.

Share your posts into local Facebook groups, to reach a bigger audience for free. Just make sure it is relevant to what your post is about. Be careful not to spam groups however (post the same post over and over again quickly) as this can get you banned from the group.

Link your Facebook page to other parts of your business. For example add it to your website, email signature or promote it on other social media platforms so more people can see where to like the page.

If you would like some extra help with your Facebook page, get in touch with us on the contact page or email us directly – [email protected]

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